Sunday, February 24, 2019

     To be able to have a everything in order and not to fall behind in any aspect for our project, I took the liberty to create a calendar with a schedule specific for our project. To be able to do this efficiently, I asked my partner about her schedule, so the calendar could fit both of our daily schedules and we could both follow it. This calendar is on "google calendar", which means I can share it with my partner, so she can also access it anytime she wants. However, I did add personal events such as blog postings.
      I color coded the calendar so it would be easier to follow: AICE Media (referring to the days we have in-school time to work on the project), Meeting (meetings with my partner outside of school in order to discuss about important decisions regarding the project, Filming (usually during the weekend, those are the days we plan to use to film the video), Editing (these days will include working on "Wevideo" together, choosing music, and other important aspects to create the video), and finally Blog Postings (this category is mostly for me, and to remind me to keep posting on my blog to keep everything updated).
March Calendar
      I felt creating a specific schedule would be very helpful, since there is so much my partner and I must do in a small amount of time. In addition, this will make sure we do not leave anything for the last minute, and we have time to go back and edit anything that we could be missing or we might want to change.

Choosing our Project:
My partner Lucia and I have decided to make a film opening. This will the the opening scenes to a thriller movie, which the name is yet to be decided.  In order to make the opening scene as well as possible, my partner and I will conduct a research about the genre.


In order to truly incorporate thriller elements into our film opening, I went ahead and did some research if my own about the genre. This genre is based on promoting feelings of intense excitement, suspense, and anxiety on its audience. The thrill usually occurs when the main character is placed in an uncomfortable or menacing situation. This creates a the feeling of keeping the audience cliff-hanging at the 'edge of their seats'. As the plot unfolds, the main character is constantly faced with these types of situations, which create even more thrill. 
      Since I will be only doing the opening scenes of a film, it is important to be able to create that suspense on the first few minutes, and making the audience want to continue watching. In addition, based on some recommendations made by our teacher, we have to make sure we do not make the opening scenes feel or look like a trailer, so we have to be really careful of how we plan to film and edit the video.

“THRILLER - SUSPENSE FILMS .” Most Influential, Significant and Important Films in American Cinema - The 1960s, AMC Network Entertainment,      

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Music Marketing Project:
      In this project, my group and I had to create an artist based on a song previously selected by our teacher. We had to create a marketing campaign in order to be able to make our "up and coming"artist famous. To be able to properly market our artist, we had to research about marketing trends conducted by similar artists. Since our song was alternative rock, we has to familiarize ourselves with bands and artists that produced the same type of music such as Panic At The Disco! and Twenty One Pilots. After our research was done, we had to create different social media accounts in order to promote the artist. We also created a website to incorporate technological convergence. Furthermore, we made our own merchandise: t-shirts, hats, and sweaters, in order to  advertise the musician, and to create a connection with the fans.
      Finally, we created a music video of the song. The video represented the tone and mood of the music. Due to our research we learned what the message original band was trying to portray through their music, and with our music video we also tried to demonstrate a similar message. We utilized different techniques to be able to do this. For example, specific lighting, props, different shots and angles, all of these in order to be able to make a great music video for the artist.

      In order to be able to create and market an artist, my group and I had to conduct a research to learn more about the music industry and the genre of the song we had. The genre of the sonf we had was alternative rock, and through our research we learned different things that helped us with our final project.  For example, alternative rock is music that refers specifically to the punk/new wave-rooted style that emerged in the 1980s. It is influenced by folk music reggae electronic and jazz., and the catchy tunes and lyrics about situations that young adults usually go through. For this reason the target audience is 16-30 years old.
Image result for panic at the disco          Image result for twenty one pilots                                                                                                                 In addition, we had two case studies were we learned even more about the alternative rock genre. Panic At The Disco!, which they focus on highly produced concerts and live shows with direct fan interaction. Also, they elaborate guerrilla marketing campaign prior to the release of new albums including hints of release dates, teasers, social media posts, etc. They distribute their music in different ways: on Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, Radio, physical copies, Live shows, etc. Similarly, Twenty One Pilots has created a website where fans can purchase merchandise, look at videos, get informed about the latest  and future live events, and purchase concert tickets. They also have social media accounts such as Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and Twitter. Both case studies helped us learn how to market our artist. For example, have social media accounts, and post daily to create a connection with the fans. Create a website is another important part for the artist, and having merchandise. Finally, we learned that our artist should have a care-free attitude because that is was the fans of this music genre relate to and like.

Marketing Creations: 
       To be able to market our artist "Agord" we created different social media accounts were people can be constantly updated about the artist's life. In the Instagram account, "Agord" posted images about upcoming events, merchandise, and the new music video. We utilized Instagram because based on our research 16-35 years old use Instagram more than any other social media, which is that age group is exactly our target audience. Instagram became the most important social media account.                                                                                                                                                                                                               
      In addition we created a website where fans can easily access the latest news about "Agord". In this website one can find the single "Badfish", which is the song we were given. Also, one can find the music video, upcoming tour dates tickets, a "learn about me" section where one can get to know "Agord" more, merchandise purchasing section, a "contact us" section where fans could send gifts and letters to the artists or can win give-aways. Finally, in the same website, there is a specific section for a blog. In this blog, "Agord" talks about his life and what he is constantly doing. This way fans can get to know him on a personal level. In addition, he talks about the releases of new singles and music videos. The website is the perfect way to market, and distribute the music and the artist.     ----> Agord's website

      By doing this project, I learned several techniques I could use for my portfolio project. For example, I learned how to properly create a marketing campaign for any medium. Also, as my group and I created the music video, I learned new editing techniques that I could incorporate in the project. I learned how to work with colors and lights. Finally, I learned how to keep a whole theme throughout the video, and marketing campaign in order to have consistency and be able to keep an audience interested. 

Opening Scene to Behind a Pretty Face: Here it is guys! Hope you enjoy :) Click here for google drive link Click here for Wevideo l...